Single Family & Multifamily
- Use 25 percent less energy than standard models
- Use 33 percent less water than standard models
- Reduce your utility bills
- Reduce wear and tear on your fabrics with models that don’t have an agitator
- Lower your energy and water costs
Some energy-efficient clothes washers can wash over 20 pounds of laundry at once, compared to 10-15 pounds for a standard top-loader, which can save you energy and water costs
- Reduce wear and tear on your fabrics with models that don’t have an agitator
Incentives & Financing
Single Family
$50 Rebate on qualified clothes washers if you’re prequalified by a Home Energy Solutions℠ technician
None currently available
Market Rate: Up to 50% of measure cost
Income-Eligible: Up to 75% of measure cost
Note: Incentives applicable to both individual clothes washers in dwelling units and commercial-grade clothes washers in the multifamily properties' laundry rooms serving the apartments.
$200 Rebate for each qualifying ENERGY STAR certified commercial clothes washer
See financing opportunities for commercial customers
Information & Tips
The average American family washes about 300 loads of laundry each year. With an ENERGY STAR certified washing machine, you can do the same amount of laundry, but save money on each load by reducing your energy and water usage. Some models also have load sensors to save water when washing smaller loads.
Clothes washers that have earned the ENERGY STAR certification are about 25% more efficient and use about 45% less water than standard models.
Most ENERGY STAR certified washers have a larger tub capacity, which allows you to do more in each load of laundry. Commercial ENERGY STAR certified washers have almost double the capacity of a standard washing machine depending on the model.
ENERGY STAR certified front-load washers use 50% less water than standard top-load washers. That’s because they tumble clothes through a small amount of water and rinse clothes with repeated high-pressure spraying instead of soaking them against an agitator in a full tub of water.
ENERGY STAR is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing credible, unbiased information that you can rely on to make well-informed decisions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ensures that each product that earns the ENERGY STAR label is independently certified to deliver efficiency, performance, and savings.

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Energy-Efficient Dryers
- Save energy with dryers that stop when your clothes are dry
- Avoid wear and tear on your clothes from over-drying
- Prevent wrinkles in your clothes
Learn About ENERGY STAR Certified Dryers