Community Partnership Initiative Overview
Our Community Partnership Initiative (Partnership) seeks to leverage the local knowledge, trusted relationships, and experience of local community groups, nonprofit organizations, and environmental justice municipalities* who are committed to raise awareness and measurable participation in Home Energy SolutionsSM – Income Eligible, income eligible customer heat pump adoption, Small Business Energy Advantage and the Multifamily Initiative in their own communities.
Together, the Connecticut electric and natural gas utilities (Eversource, United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas, subsidiaries of AVANGRID, Inc), as Sponsors of Energize Connecticut, are committed to work with community outreach groups affiliated with a municipality, such as Energy Task Forces, and community outreach groups unaffiliated with a municipality. Our goal in working together is to familiarize residents and businesses with the Sponsors’ energy efficiency programs and offers to increase energy efficiency engagement and program participation across the state.
Through the Partnership, we seek to emphasize outreach to the following select groups: customers within a distressed municipality or Environmental Justice Census Block Groups, residents with limited English proficiency, customers who qualify for Home Energy Solutions - Income Eligible, renters in single family homes or multifamily buildings up to four units, property owners of multifamily properties with five or more units, and small businesses. The Partnership does not replace current and future residential and small business marketing in Connecticut by the Sponsors, rather it aims to provide another layer of marketing and outreach to customers in the select groups mentioned above.
Round 3 applications are now open. Please find the application materials by clicking here.
Applicants are asked to share information on outreach campaigns that they would like to undertake during 2025 in their community to drive participation in Energize Connecticut energy efficiency programs including Home Energy Solutions – Income Eligible, Small Business Energy Advantage, income eligible customer heat pump adoption, and outreach to renters and landlords of multifamily properties of five or more dwelling units through the Multifamily Initiative.
Informational webinars were held on Tuesday, January 21 at noon and 7:00 p.m.
- To listen to the noon webinar, please click here.
- To listen to the 7:00 p.m. webinar, please click here.
Open question forums were held on Tuesday, February 4 at noon and 7:00 p.m. The forums covered the information presented during the January webinars and focused on Q&A from prospective applicants.
- To listen to the noon forum, please click here.
- To listen to the 7:00 p.m. forum, please click here.
Applications are due Friday, March 14, 2025.
Questions? We are here to answer them. Please reach out before noon on Wednesday, March 12, 2025:
If you are in Eversource territory:
Devan Willemsen, or (860) 665-3572
If you are in Avangrid (UI, SCG, CNG) territory:
Alysse Rodrigues, or (203) 823-6536
Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to meet with their respective Company staff before applying.
*Includes municipalities paired with a community-based organization or nonprofit organization that are either doing work in or are defined as environmental justice communities. Please consult this map hosted by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to determine your municipality’s eligibility for the Partnership.
Case Study: Branford, Connecticut

The town of Branford was one of eight municipalities selected to participate in Round One of funding for the Community Partnership Initiative, and worked to sign up as many small businesses as possible for the Small Business Energy Advantage program. Read more.
Special Resources
Related Resources
Connecticut Municipal Energy Dashboard
Review and compare energy savings by town in Connecticut.
Home Energy Solutions℠ Program
Get an in-home energy assessment where professionals will make and recommend improvements for your home which lead to immediate and long-term energy savings.
Home Energy Solutions℠ – Income Eligible Program
If you meet specific income requirements, apply for no-cost in-home energy assessments and additional incentives for qualifying deeper energy saving services.
Small Business Energy Advantage
Get a no-cost, no-obligation energy assessment of your small business and manage the installation of the energy-saving improvements with incentives and zero-interest, on-bill payment plans.