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Ground Source Heat Pumps

ENERGY STAR® certified ground source (geothermal) heat pumps are an energy-efficient way to heat and cool your home, multifamily property, or business using the earth’s stable temperature.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

ENERGY STAR® certified ground source (geothermal) heat pumps are an energy-efficient way to heat and cool your home, multifamily property, or business using the earth’s stable temperature.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

ENERGY STAR® certified ground source (geothermal) heat pumps are an energy-efficient way to heat and cool your home, multifamily property, or business using the earth’s stable temperature.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

ENERGY STAR® certified ground source (geothermal) heat pumps are an energy-efficient way to heat and cool your home, multifamily property, or business using the earth’s stable temperature.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

ENERGY STAR® certified ground source (geothermal) heat pumps are an energy-efficient way to heat and cool your home, multifamily property, or business using the earth’s stable temperature.

Ground source (geothermal) heat pumps extract heat from the ground during cold weather and distribute it throughout your property. During warmer months, this process is reversed to provide cooling. This system is the most efficient type of heat pump and can offer around 50 percent savings* on heating and cooling costs when compared to a conventional fossil fuel system.** These heat pumps are a great option for properties with sufficient outdoor space to accommodate the system.


  • Environmental impact: Emit zero greenhouse gases when pairing with a 100% renewable energy source
  • Comfort: Get all-in-one heating, cooling, and dehumidification
  • Convenience: Maintain consistent indoor temperature and humidity levels
  • Maintenance: Lower your maintenance costs compared to other heating and cooling systems
  • Efficiency: Up to 400% efficient—for every 1 unit of energy used to power a heat pump, up to 4 units of heat energy are supplied
  • Cost: Lower your energy bills compared to other heating options***


**A heat pump is an electrical system, so running one will add to your electrical use. In many cases, that additional electrical use is offset by savings elsewhere, such as a propane or oil heating fuel bill. Of course, if you’re adding a heat pump where there was no cooling source before, it will increase your electric use.

***Significant savings may not be realized when switching from natural gas.

Incentives & Financing

Single Family


Rebates up to $1,500 per ton for qualifying ground source heat pumps

Federal tax credits may be available. Learn more about the IRA tax credits here or speak to your tax preparer.


Smart-E Loan.



Incentive up to $4,000 per ton for qualifying ground source heat pumps


Multifamily Clean Energy Financing



Energy Optimization Incentive: Up to $4,000 per ton combined incentives for qualifying models



National Energy Improvement Fund

Small Business and Municipal Loans

Information & Tips


An ENERGY STAR certified ground source heat pump is a low-maintenance and environmentally friendly heating and cooling option for your property. Because it’s mechanically simple and all its outdoor equipment is below ground, where it’s protected from the weather, your maintenance costs are often lower than other heating and cooling systems.


Efficiency First: Before installing a heat pump, weatherize your home to enhance comfort, reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, and improve equipment efficiency and lifespan.

    Ground source heat pump systems have three main parts: a closed loop, which circulates fluid through an underground field in vertical and/or horizontal trenches; single or multiple pumps, fans, and compressors that provide heating and cooling; and a distribution system, typically ductwork, that carries air throughout your home or business to maintain an even temperature.

    (Source: ENERGY STAR)

    To pick the right heat pump for your home or business, consult with a qualified contractor that participates in the Energize CT Heat Pump Installer Network. If you find a system that meets our minimum efficiency criteria, claim your rebate once the installation is complete.

    Compare the annual cost and carbon emissions savings from investing in a new heating and cooling system. The Clean Heating & Cooling Calculator can help you see how much upgrading your system to a heat pump would reduce your carbon emissions – and what it would mean for your home’s budget.

    ENERGY STAR is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing credible, unbiased information that you can rely on to make well-informed decisions. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ensures that each product that earns the ENERGY STAR label is independently certified to deliver efficiency, performance, and savings.

    (Source: ENERGY STAR)

    How Ground Source Heat Pumps Work

    A ground source heat pump uses the earth’s constant temperature to provide efficient heating and cooling. In the winter, fluid circulating in underground pipes carries the heat to your home or business, and in the summer, the process is reversed so heat from your home or business is carried back to the earth to provide cooling.

    (Source: ENERGY STAR)

    Ground Source Heat Pump Resources

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