Questions about your rebate?

Commercial Ground Source Heat Pump Incentive

Rebate Offer:
Up to $4,000 per ton for qualifying ground source heat pumps
Incentive Duration
01/01/25 - 12/31/25
Average Initial Cost
Based on equipment and property type
Average Lifetime Savings
Based on equipment and property type
Average Lifespan
30 - 50 Years

Additional Details

We offer ground source (geothermal) heat pump rebates based on equipment capacity (tonnage). To pick the right heat pump for your business, consult with a qualified contractor who participates in the Energize CT Heat Pump Installer Network. Select a system that meets our minimum efficiency criteria and claim your rebate once the installation is complete.

How to get started

Check Eligibility

  • Rebates are available to commercial and industrial electric service customers. All commercial and industrial customers of Eversource or UI can participate.
  • Equipment must be installed in the service territory of the participating utility.

For additional energy optimization rebates:

  • Equipment must be installed by a contractor participating in the Energize CT Heat Pump Installer Network.
  • Equipment must replace oil, propane, natural gas, or electric baseboard as the primary heating system.
  • For Eversource customers, rebate amount will not exceed 100% of the total installation cost. For United Illuminating customers, rebate amount will not exceed 75% of the total installation cost.

Efficiency First: Before installing a heat pump, weatherize your building to enhance comfort, reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, and improve equipment efficiency and lifespan.

Technical Details

  • Equipment must be AHRI rated and must meet the minimum requirements on the measure list.
  • Tonnage is based on AHRI cooling capacity. (1 ton = 12,000 BTUs). Tonnage is calculated by dividing AHRI cooling capacity by ton and rounding to two decimal places.
  • The qualifying EER and BTUs are based on the equipment’s Ground-Loop Heat Pump “GLHP” ratings listed by AHRI regardless of the install type

For Pre-Approval on Energy Optimization Rebates:

  • Projects totaling more than 20 tons or $30,000 in rebates require pre-approval.
  • Projects totaling greater than 150 tons will be evaluated independent of this prescriptive rebate format and a custom rebate will be applied
  • To request pre-approval, please email



Need to finance your commercial energy saving project? Check out available financing opportunities

What is the rebate process?

To help your business make the switch, you can receive incentives up to $4,000 per ton for purchasing eligible ground source heat pumps.

    Work with a contractor participating in the Energize CT Heat Pump Installer Network to claim your rebate through our online rebate portal or by mail once your installation is complete.

    Apply Online      Download Mail-in Rebate Form

    Call 800-918-9369 or e-mail with instant discount, or rebate questions or for more information.
    Ground source heat pump technology