February 2025 Announcements
- February 28 - As described in the E-vote Results Memo, the Board voted 9-0, with 2 abstentions by non-response, to approve the referenced “March 1 Update” motion including the addendum per Ms. Fargo-Johnson.
- February 19 - The Board voted on 4 items during the 02-19-25 EEB Meeting
- 2024 Annual Legislative Report: The Board voted 9-0 without abstention to approve the draft Annual Legislative Report to move forward to print.
- 2025 Evaluation Administrator Work Plan: The Board voted 8-0 with an abstention from DEEP to approve the 2025 Evaluation Workplan as recommended in the EA Workplan and Budget memo.
- Evaluation Administrator Budget Reconciliation for 2023 and 2024: The Board voted 6-1, with 2 abstentions to approve the Evaluation Committees recommended approval of the 2023-2024 scope overage and reimbursement as defined in the EA Workplan and Budget memo.
- March 1 Plan Update : The Board voted 8-0 with an abstention from DEEP to approve the March 1 Plan voting items as defined in Slide 17 of the Technical Consultant’s Recommendations for the March 1 Plan Update. The additional items described on Slide 28 would be circulated for E-vote after the meeting.
January 2025 Announcements
- January 31 - The EEB posted its Equity Strategy Framework Report and Equity Framework Workbook.
- January 30 - DEEP released a notice for the EEB Vacancy Posting, State-wide Environmental Seat.
- January 8 - The Board voted 9-0 with 3 abstentions to approve that the Companies pursue a second energy-in-action mobile unit as described in the EnergizeCT mobile unit memo.
December 2024 Announcements
- December 26 - As described in the E-vote Results Memo, The Board voted 10-0, with 2 abstentions, to approve the "Evaluation Studies Completed and Underway in 2023: A Report to the Energy and Technology Committee of the General Assembly" for filing.
- December 20 - DEEP issued its final determination on the proposed budget for the 2025-2027 Conservation and Load Management Plan
- December 11 - The Board voted on 3 items during the 12-11-24 DEI Special Session as defined in the DEI Consultant Recommendation Memo dated December 4, 2024 and the 12-11-24 DEI Special Session Meeting Minutes.
- C&I and Residential 2025 Equity PMI: The Board voted 9-0 with 1 abstention to approve the "C&I and Residential 2025 Equity PMI" with two conditions (increased granularity in program tracking, removal of the EV requirement)
- EEB Equity Strategies outlined in the Equity Indicator Framework: The Board voted 10-0 to postpone the vote on the "EEB Equity Strategies " until they could be refined further.
- Equity Working Group Body : The Board voted 10-0 to commit to developing and defining a process for establishing the equity working group by the end of Q2 2025.
November 2024 Announcements
- November 27 - As described in the E-vote Results Memo, The Board voted 11-0, with 1 abstention, to approve an extension of Illume's DEI Consultant Contract through January 31, 2025.
- November 19 - The CT Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative (CMEEC) filed its 2025-2027 Energy Efficiency Programs Plan and Cover Letter with the EEB and DEEP.
- November 13 - The EEB voted on 5 items during the November meeting:
- Executive Secretary and Technical Consultant Work Plans: The Board voted 10-0 with 1 abstention to approve the Consultant Committee's recommendation for the ES and TC workplans.
- DEI Consultant RFP Recommendation: The Board voted 9-0 with 2 abstentions to approve the Selection Committee's recommendation for CTR Factor as the 2025-2027 DEI Consultant.
- 2025 Evaluation Administrator Budget: The Board voted on two budget items described in the EA Budget Committee Memo.
- For Vote #1, The Board voted 8-1 in favor of Option 1B, with 2 abstentions.
- For Vote #2, The Board voted 5-4 in favor of Option 2B, with 2 abstentions.
- 2025 -2027 Evaluation Plan Budget: The Board voted 9-0 with 2 abstentions to approve the draft 2025-2027 Evaluation Plan budget.
- 2025 EEB Calendar: The Board voted 10-0 with 1 abstention to approve the 2025 EEB Meeting schedule.
- November 13 - The EEB welcomed a new Board member, Ms. Amy McMahon, as the State-wide Retail Organization Representative
- November 1 - The Companies filed the final versions of the 2025-2027 C&LM Plan, the 2025 Program Savings Document, the Budget Optimization Plan, and the Filing Cover Letter with DEEP.
October 2024 Announcements
- October 11 - DEEP field a letter on "Proposed changes to the Home Energy Solutions & Home Energy Solutions- Income Eligible programs"
- October 9 - The Board voted 9-1, with an abstention from DEEP, to approve the 2025-2027 Plan, Tables, and PSD with the Plan conditions identified by the Technical consultants.
- October 3 - The Companies issued the the Fourth Draft of the 2025-2027 C&LM Plan including the Draft Budget and Savings Tables and the CT Program Savings Document
- October 1 - The Companies submitted their response to DEEP's Condition of Approval Item No. 18 (“Conduct Financial & Operational Audit Annually”).
September 2024 Announcements
- September 30 - The Companies filed the Budget Optimization Plan and Attachment A with DEEP.
- September 25 - DEEP posted:
- Notice of Meeting and Request for Written Comments for the Contractor Technical Advisory Committee Proposed Residential Redesign Topics.
- Notice of Technical Meeting for the Conservation & Load Management- Budget Optimization Plan
- September 24 - As described in the E-vote Results Memo, The Board voted 10-0, one abstention from DEEP, To direct the Review Committee to go back to all DEI consultant RFP respondents to ask for updated proposals that adhere to a $500,000 budget cap and the revised task prioritization proposed in the Review Committee’s memo shared with the EEB during the Sept. 11, 2024 meeting.
- September 23 - The EEB's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant issued a survey request on strategies to advance equity within Connecticut's C&LM programs.
- September 9 - The Board posted a notification for a public input session and a request for written comment on the Third Draft of the 2025-2027 C&LM Plan including the Draft Budget and Savings Tables.
August 2024 Announcements
- August 29 - DEEP has issued a letter to the Utilities regarding C&LM program HVAC budgets.
- August 15 - The Board posted a notification for a public input session and a request for written comment on the 2025-2027 C&LM Plan Second Draft.
July 2024 Announcements
- July 12 - DEEP issued a notice of vacancy and request for applications for an Energy Efficiency Board member representing the interests of a State-wide Retail Organization.
June 2024 Announcements
- June 30 - The Companies issued the "Environmental Justice Community Plan" compliance item to the EEB.
- June 27 - The EEB noticed a request for written comment on the draft version of the 2025-2027 Conservation and Load Management Plan. Stakeholders were requested to provide feedback by July 15, 2024.
- June 25 - DEEP has filed the "2024 Update Final Determination" along with "Attachment A: Conditions of Approval" and "Attachment B: Optimization Plan".
- June 1 - The EEB posted a Request for Proposals for the "2025-2027 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Consultant to the EEB"
May 2024 Announcements
- May 28 - As described in the E-vote Results Memo, The Board voted 11-0, with no abstentions, to approve the amended “2025-2027 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion RFP” circulated for E-vote on May 17, 2024.
- May 14 - DEEP noticed a Request for Information to gather input on the design and implementation of the IRA's Home Energy Rebate Programs.
- May 3 - DEEP noticed a technical meeting to gather input on the design and implementation of the IRA's Home Energy Rebate Programs.
April 2024 Announcements
- April 26 - DEEP has filed the Determination of Conditions of Approval regarding COA 9, 14, 20, 28, 29.
- April 25 - PURA issued a Request for Written Comments on the Residential Renewable Energy Solutions Program comprehensive proposal.
- April 25 - The Board posted a notification for a public input session and a request for written comment on the 2025-2027 C&LM Plan draft outline.
- April 22 - As described in the E-vote Results Memo, The Board voted 5-4, with 2 abstentions, against the approval of the “2025-2027 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion RFP” circulated for E-vote on April 15, 2024. EEB members voting against the RFP have requested revisions to the scope of work section. The Consultant Committee will review comments from the E-vote email chain in collaboration with DEEP and will present a revised RFP for a second vote.
- April 17 - DEEP issued a Notice of Public Hearings on the 1-4 Unit Weatherization Assistance Program and a Request for Proposals for Weatherization Assistance Program Contractors (#22164 & #22169)
- April 10 - The Board welcomed Mr. Bernie Pelletier as the EEB's Residential Consumer Representative member.
March 2024 Announcements
- March 15 - The Board posted a notification for a public input session on the 2025-2027 C&LM Plan potential priorities.
- March 13 - The Board voted 7-0, with 1 abstention, to approve the “Workplan for 2023 Unspent Consultant Funds".
- March 11 - The Board voted 7-0, with 3 abstentions, to approve the “2024 Plan Update Budget and PMI” as described in the "Voting Materials" (shown on Page 2 of this memo).
- March 11 - DEEP issued a Request for Proposal for Weatherization Assistance Program Contractors (#21361 & #21362)
- March 01 - DEEP has approved an Extension Filing for the 2024 Plan Update Budget Reconciliation Filing up to and including March 14,2024
February 2024 Announcements
- February 28 - The Board voted 8-0, with 2 abstentions, to approve the “EEB Equity Vision and Goals” as
described in the "Voting Materials" (shown on Page 2 of this memo). - February 14 - EEB Meeting Votes:
- Transfer Unspent Consultant Funds from 2023 to 2024: The Board voted 9-0, with DEEP abstaining, transfer the remaining consultant budget balance of $16,420 from 2023 to 2024 budget, as described in the Consultant Committee 2023 Year-End Budget Summary Memo
- Annual Legislative Report : The Board voted 10-0, with no abstentions, to approve the Annual Legislative Report with the additional edits as discussed in EEB meeting minutes for Agenda Item 2F.
- March 1 Filing Budget : The March 1 filing budget vote was postponed to E-vote to allow the Board to further analyze budget scenarios.
- February 6 - DEEP issued a determination for the "Approval of Incentive Program for District Heating System Projects"
January 2024 Announcements
- January 23 - DEEP issued a determination for the "Extension of Eversource ConnectedSolutions Home Battery Storage Program"
- January 22 - The EEB's DEI consultant, Illume, issued a request for stakeholders to provide input on "interviews with community-based organizations in Connecticut who can speak to the experience and needs of customer segments".
- January 15 - The EEB issued a meeting notice and request for comment for the February Workshop. The February Workshop will be the first of a series of workshops hosted by the EEB. It is intended to provide a forum to understand how to better listen to and provide feedback to those who submit public comment and public letters. Additional agenda topics under consideration include: DEI, EEB business practices, public input processes, and public comment.
December 2023 Announcements
- December 28 - DEEP issued a decision approving the 2024 program budget.
- December 22 - The Board voted 7-0, with 3 abstentions, to approve the 2024 "District Heating System Methodology" language as described in the "Voting Materials" (shown on Page 2 of this memo).
- December 13 - EEB Meeting Votes:
- HES/HES-IE Look-back Period Change Procedure: The Board voted 8-0, with no abstentions, to require future HES/HES-IE look-back period changes to be approved by Board vote.
- Evaluation Administrator Request for Funding : The Board voted 8-0, with DEEP abstaining, to approve the Evaluation Administrator request for funding as outlined in the Evaluation Administrator Memo and the Evaluation Committee November Meeting Minutes.
- EEB Consultant Work Plans Recommendation: The Board voted 9-0, with no abstentions, to approve EEB Consultant work plan recommendation as outlined in the Consultant Committee Memo and the Consultant Workplan document.
- District Heating System Incentives: The District Heating System Incentives vote was postponed to an E-vote that will be distributed to EEB members on 12-18-23.
November 2023 Announcements
- November 9 - The EEB's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Consultant, Illume, issued a survey to refine how to identify priority customers
- November 8 - DEEP issued a notice of vacancy and request for applications for two EEB representatives: State-wide Retail Organization and Residential Customers
- November 8 - The Board voted 8-0, with no abstentions, to approve the 2024 EEB Meeting Calendar
- November 1 - The Companies filed the 2024 Plan Update to the 2022-2024 Conservation and Load Management Plan, the 2024 Program Savings Document, and a Cover Letter with DEEP.
October 2023 Announcements
- October 24 - The Board voted 8-0, with DEEP abstaining, to approve the "Equity PMI Metric" as described in "Board Vote Result for 2024 Plan Update on DEI Metric".
- October 11 - EEB Meeting Votes:
- 2024 Evaluation Plan Update: The Board voted 7-0, with DEEP abstaining, to approve the 2024 Evaluation Plan Update and EA Budgets.
- 2024 CL&M Plan Update: The Board voted 7-0, with DEEP abstaining, to approve the 2024 CL&M Plan Update with additional recommendations from the technical consultants.
- 2024 DEI Metric: The DEI metric vote was postponed to an E-vote that will be distributed to EEB members on 10-18-23.
September 2023 Announcements
- September 11 - DEEP appointed Jayson Velazquez to the seat of Environmental Representative on the Energy Efficiency Board. The Board will welcome and introduce Mr. Velazquez during its September Board Meeting.
- September 13 - EEB Meeting Votes:
- Eversource Budget Request: The Board voted 9-2 on the motion to authorize "up to 10% overspend ($13.5M) to be revisited in future months".
- HES Copay Increase: The Board voted 10-0 on the motion to authorize "HES co-pay to be increased from $50 to $75".
- Board Chair Vote: The Board voted 11-0 on the motion to elect "Anthony Kosior as EEB Chair".
August 2023 Announcements
- August 24 - The board released a Notice for a Public Input Session to be held directly after the regular EEB meeting on September 13, 2023
- August 9 - The Companies issued draft documents for the 2024 Program Savings Document and the 2024 Plan Update Outline.
July 2023 Announcements
- July 28 - DEEP issued an announcement on the release of DOE guidance on the IRA energy efficiency and electrification rebates with reference to DOE guidance documents.
- July 26 - The board released a Notice for a Public Input Session to be held directly after the regular EEB meeting on August 8, 2023
- July 14 - DEEP issued a Meeting Notice and Request for Written Comments for the Residential Contractor Technical Advisory Committee to be held on August 3, 2023.
June 2023 Announcements
- June 26 - DEEP issues a Notice of Technical Meeting and Request for Written Comment Regarding Energy Storage. The meeting will be held via Zoom July 10.
- June 23 - DEEP has filed a Letter regarding Conditions of Approval for the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan. The Energy Efficiency Board will receive a review of these conditions at the upcoming Annual Planning Meeting on June 28.
May 2023 Announcements
- May 18 - DEEP has issued a Re-Notice of Vacancy and Request for Applications to the vacant EEB position.
- May 17 - DEEP released Bidder Questions and Answers for the WAP RFP for Service Providers as well as two budget forms (one for single-family and one for multi-family) to be filled out as part of each applicants proposal. Please contact Katrina Vallett with any questions.
- May 10 - At its May Board meeting, the Board voted to select its Executive Secretary for the July 2023 - August 2026 term after receiving a recommendation from the Consultant Committee. This concludes the RFP process administered by the Board's Consultant Committee.
- May 3 - DEEP released a Notice providing the updated link to the Bidders Conference for the WAP RFP for Service Providers. The bidders conference will be held virtually on Monday, May 8 at 10AM EST.
April 2023 Announcments
- April 24 - DEEP issued its RFP for Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Service Providers. Responses are due May 24.
March 2023 Announcements
- March 15 - The Board's DEI Consultant provided its 2022 Preliminary Equity Assessment Report and accompanying Presentation to the Board.
- March 6 - DEEP released a Notice for Written Comment regarding the WAP draft RFP for service providers.
- March 1 - The Board released its 2022 Annual Legislative Report. The Companies filed the 2023 Update to the 2022-2024 Conservation and Load Management Plan, along with the Program Savings Document and Cover Letter with DEEP.
February 2023 Announcements
- February 21 - The Board Approved its 2022 Annual Legislative Report and the 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant Workplan.
- February 17 - The Board released the 2023-2025 Executive Secretary RFP.
- February 8 - The Board approved the 2023-2025 Executive Secretary RFP.
January 2023 Announcements
- The Board welcomed Ms. Karraine Moody. Ms. Moody was appointed to the Board in December to sit as the Residential Consumer Representative on the Board.
December 2022 Announcements
- December 26 - The Board voted 5-0, with DEEP abstaining, on Inflation Reduction Act Principles. These principles were filed with DEEP to inform its coordination of these funds.
- December 23 - The Board voted 8-0, with DEEP abstaining, to approve the 2023 Evaluation Administrator Workplan and the 2023 Technical Consultant and Executive Secretary Workplans and Budgets.
- December 15 - DEEP appointed Karraine Moody to the seat of Residential Customer Representative on the Energy Efficiency Board. The Board will welcome and introduce Ms. Moody during its January Board Meeting.
November 2022 Announcements
- November 22 - DEEP filed a letter regarding Condition of Approval #7, which directed the Companies to "Produce an accurate data dictionary for review by the Evaluation Administrator prior to the September 12, 2022 Evaluation Committee meeting."
- November 21 - The Board filed a letter regarding the Companies' response to DEEP's Condition of Approval #7 for the Conservation and Load Management Plan. COA #7 requested the Companies "produce an accurate data dictionary for review by the Evaluation Administrator prior to the September 12, 2022 Evaluation Committee meeting."
- November 15 - The Board and DEEP held a Public Input Session regarding Inflation Reduction Act funding and the final 2023 Update to the C&LM Plan. Meeting materials and comments can be found here.
- November 14 - The Board voted 5-1, with DEEP abstaining, to file a Letter to DEEP regarding the Companies' response to Condition of Approval #13. One Board member filed a dissenting opinion.
- November 3 - DEEP filed a Notice of Vacancy and Request for Applications for an environmental representative on the Board.
- November 2 - DEEP issued a Notice of Request for Written Comments regarding the 2023 C&LM Plan Update, which was filed November 1. Written comments can be submitted to DEEP.EnergyBureau@ct.gov by November 15, 2022.
- November 1 - The Companies filed the 2023 Update to the 2022-2024 Conservation and Load Management Plan (2022-2024 C&LM Plan Update) with DEEP.
October 2022 Announcements
- October 31 - On behalf of the Board, its Evaluation Administrator filed a memo in response to DEEP's Condition of Approval #7 for the Conservation and Load Management Plan. COA #7 requested the Companies "produce an accurate data dictionary for review by the Evaluation Administrator prior to the September 12, 2022 Evaluation Committee meeting."
- October 26 - DEEP issued a letter regarding its Condition of Approval #22 for the C&LM Plan, which outlines reporting expectations for the Heat Pump Pilot Program.
- October 21 - DEEP issued letters regarding Condition of Approval #3, Condition of Approval #8, and Condition of Approval #9 for the C&LM Plan.
- October 12 - The Board voted 10-0 to appoint Mr. John Viglione as Vice Chair during its October Board meeting. The Board voted 10-0 to increase the Board Consultant budget by $26,075 for 2023 to accommodate several needs related to its Board Consultant teams. The Board voted 10-0 to approve the Evaluation Administrator budget. In a 9-0 vote, with DEEP abstaining, the Board approved, with Conditions, the 2023 Plan Update.
September 2022 Announcements
- September 15 - DEEP released its Draft Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) State Plan, to be submitted as part of its application for the WAP Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding. DEEP is seeking stakeholder feedback. Written comments are due Thursday, September 29 , 2022 at 4:00PM. Two public hearings will be held September 28, 2022 at 10:00AM and 6:00PM. For more information on registering for the public hearings, or for submitting written comments, please review the Notice of Public Hearing.
- September 14 - As a final step in its RFP process for Board Consultants, The Board voted to approve Skumatz Economic Research Associates (SERA) as its Evaluation Administrator for 2023-2025 and Energy Futures Group (EFG) as its Technical Consultant for 2023-2025 during the September 14 Board meeting.
- The Board and DEEP will hold the final Public Input Session for the 2023 Plan Update. Those wishing to speak can register with the Executive Secretary. All comments are due by 5PM Wednesday, September 14. The invitation, which includes details for registration and comment, can be found here.
- September 12 - DEEP filed its letter regarding UI's request for an extension on Condition of Approval #7, granting the extension of this Condition to October 3, 2022.
- September 9 - Ms. Amy McClean, Board Vice Chair and Environmental Public Interest Representative, resigned from the Board. Ms. McClean served on the Board as Vice Chair for three years. Ms. McLean was also the Residential Committee Chair and served on the Consultant and Evaluation Committees. DEEP will undergo its process to select and appoint a replacement.
- September 7 - The Board held its Annual Planning Meeting at the Hotel Marcel in New Haven, CT. The meeting was open to the public virtually. Meeting materials, including the Agenda, can be found here. A summary of public comments and answers to questions will be available soon. Please contact the Executive Secretary at ExecutiveSecretaryCTEEB@theenergygroup.biz with any questions.
August 2022 Announcements
- August 17 - The Companies are developing a Strategic Workforce Development Plan in collaboration with stakeholders that will support workforce initiatives in the industry. The Companies are holding the following targeted focus groups: Workforce Policy & Programs (August 22 12PM), Training Organizations (August 23 12PM), Workforce Boards and WFD Funding Organizations (August 25 12PM), Business Contractors (August 29 12PM), and Job Placement Agencies (August 30 10AM). To confirm your participation, please email Pamela Fann at discoverintegratedsolutions@gmail.com.
- August 12 - Mr. Joel Kopylec notified Board Leadership that he is resigning from his position on the Board. Mr. Kopylec represented United Illuminating gas companies. United Illuminating has recommended Mr. Lawrence Rush to replace Mr. Kopylec. DEEP sent a letter to the Board indicating the Commissioner will take the recommendation into consideration. The Commissioner will need to make the appointment and will provided an update when that happens.
- August 5 - DEEP responded to the Utilities' responses to DEEP's 2022 Conditions of Approval nos. 2, 4, and 5. These responses were filed and can be viewed under Correspondence in the 2022-2024 Plan docket. If you have questions you can contact Kate Donatelli at Kate.Donatelli@ct.gov.
- August 4 - The CT Green Bank filed with PURA on the Shared Clean Energy Facilities Program (SCEF) its Proposed Redline Revisions to the SCEF Program Requirements with a Cover Letter and a Memo to the Joint Committee.
- August 1 - DEEP released its Notice of Technical Hearings that will support its development of the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Strategy (CES). The Notice includes the hearing schedule and how to attend, as well as more detailed information about the CES and public engagement process. DEEP also announced an allocation of $3.5 million Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Administration Funds for low-income residential energy efficiency programs in Southern Connecticut Gas and Yankee Gas Services Company (Eversource) service territories.
July 2022 Announcements
- July 28 - Governor Lamont announced the allocation of an additional $3.5 million to Connecticut's low-income residential energy efficiency programs. Please see this press release for additional details.
- July 13 - The Board voted to extend the deadline for its Technical Consultant and Evaluation Administrator RFPs. RFPs are now due August 14, 2022. Questions are due July 28 and responses will be provided by August 14. RFPs and the Press Release with the updated timeline can be found on the RFP page.
- July 12 - The CT Green Bank is hosting a webinar on Energy Storage Solutions for homeowners from 6PM-7PM on July 12. Please contact Kasara Philippas for more information.
- July 7 - DEEP and the EEB will be hosting a virtual Public Input Session on July 13th from 12:00PM-1:00PM EST. Those wishing to submit comments during the session should register with the Executive Secretary via email at ExecutiveSecretaryCTEEB@theenergygroup.biz.
- July 1 - United Illuminating filed Compliance Item #2 and a Cover Letter of the 2019-2021 C&LM Plan with DEEP.
June 2022 Announcements
- June 29 - DEEP issued a Notice of Request for Written Comment for two Draft Request for Proposals (RFPs) from Connecticut Renewal Team (CRT) and New Opportunities Inc. (NOI) respectively to procure qualified, licensed HVAC, weatherization, and environmental contractors to perform work for the Connecticut Weatherization Assistance Program (CT WAP). Written Comments are due by July 7 at 4:00PM EST.
- June 23 - The EEB attended the unveiling of the Energy In Action Mobile Exhibit in Berlin, CT, hosted by the Companies. The Energy In Action Mobile exhibit is an interactive, hands-on educational tool available to schools and communities at no-cost. As of June 23, the exhibit has been to 36 events, reaching 11,166 students and community members. To learn more, or to book the exhibit, visit the Energy in Action Mobile Exhibit webpage.
May 2022 Announcements
- May 16 - Ms. Brenda Watson, who served on the Board for two-and-a-half years representing residential customers, resigned from the CT EEB May 10. DEEP issued a letter to members of the Board commending Ms. Watson's contribution and outlining next steps. DEEP will begin the process to appoint a new Board member representing residential customers.
- May 12 - The CT EEB is seeking a Technical Consultant and an Evaluation Administrator. The Board released two RFPs, all information and updates can be found on the Request for Proposals page. Questions and other correspondence should be directed in writing to the Executive Secretary.
- May 11 - The CT EEB approved two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for Board Consultants during the May meeting. The current Technical Consultants and Evaluation Administrator agreements will end in December of 2022, and RFPs for each will be released May 12 and posted to the Board's Request for Proposals page. Both competitive RFPs will follow the same timeline and will be managed by the Board's Consultant Committee.
April 2022 Announcements
- April 27 - The CT EEB approved via eVote 10-0 and submitted comments to DEEP in response to its request for comment on the Draft Determination.
- April 12 - The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection issued its Draft Determination for the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan. More information and materials can be found on the DEEP website. DEEP also issued Notice for Public Comment on the Draft Determination. Comments are due by Wednesday, April 27th. There will be a Public Input Session held on April 21 and attendees can register here.
March 2022 Announcements
- March 15 - The Board's Consultant Committee, with DEEP, completed its RFP process for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant and recommended ILLUME. The Board approved hiring ILLUME at the March Board meeting and ILLUME accepted the bid March 15.
- March 3 - In response to DEEP's Notice of Proceeding for scoping of the Comprehensive Energy Strategy (2022), the Board submitted comments addressing key energy-related topics. Included in the comments in Attachment 1, the Board and its Consultants offered a list of resources to inform CES development.
- March 1 - The Board submitted its Annual Legislative Report for 2021. And the Companies filed the Updated 2022-2024 C&LM Plan to DEEP, including the Updated 2022 Program Savings Document (PSD) and Plan Cover Letter.
February 2022 Announcements
- February 17 - DEEP held a virtual meeting to deliver a presentation and receive stakeholder comments on the scope of the 2022 CES. The objective of the scoping meeting was to provide an overview of, and seek public input on, the expected structure, schedule, and topics for the CES, as well as key issues that will be a focus of the CES analysis. Download the slide deck or view the recording. Participants interested in keeping up to date on this effort should email DEEP.EnergyBureau@ct.gov and ask to be put on the distribution list for the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Strategy.
- February 9 - At the EEB meeting DEEP announced the appointment of a new Board member, Anne-Marie Knight. Anne-Marie is Executive Director for the Black Business Alliance and will serve as representative for a statewide business association.
January 2022 Announcements
- January 21 - The Evaluation Committee issued an RFQ for EM&V 2022-2024 Three Research Areas for the Connecticut EEB. Responses are due February 28 at 5PM EST. Please reach out to Lisa Skumatz at skumatz@serainc.com for the needed appendices.
- January 12 - At the EEB meeting DEEP announced three new Office Directors: Shubhada Kambli as Office Director for the Office of Building and Transportation Decarbonization, Kenyetta Risser-Lovings as Office Director for the Bureau for Affordable Housing and Energy Retrofits, and Kevin Pisacich as Director of Broadband Office. DEEP also announced three new EEB members; Kathy Fay is Director of Community Sustainability at NHS New Haven and will serve as the Low-income Representative, and Melissa Kops is a Project Manager at the City of New Haven and will serve as the Municipal Representative. Anthony Kosior is Interim Leader of Facility Campus Development at Yale University. Anthony was nominated by the New Haven Chamber of Commerce and will sit as the Representative for a Chamber of Commerce.
- January 6 - On January 6, 2022, DEEP issued a Notice of Proceeding and Scoping Meeting initiating its stakeholder process for development of the next CES. The 2022 CES will build on and/or potentially modify findings and recommendations of prior Comprehensive Energy Strategies released in 2013 and 2018. Participants interested in keeping up to date on this effort should email DEEP.EnergyBureau@ct.gov and ask to be put on the distribution list for the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Strategy.
December 2021 Announcements
- December 22 - DEEP issued an interim decision on the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan. ]
- December 3 - DEEP is seeking a qualified Program Operator to administer a new Weatherization Barriers Mitigation Program. The selected Program Operator will play an important role in connecting low-income families to mitigation services and weatherization programs that aim to improve health, safety, affordability, and comfort in their homes. The RFP is available on the CTSource Bid Board (search for Solicitation #DEEP11102021CM) and more information is available on DEEP's Weatherization Barriers webpage.
- December 2 - DEEP has extended the deadline for questions regarding the DEI Consultant RFP. Questions are due December 10 and, while not mandatory, DEEP encourages interested applicants to notify of intent to bid by December 3. All questions and communication regarding the RFP should be submitted to the Executive Secretary, Emily Rice, at ExecutiveSecretaryCTEEB@theenergygroup.biz. Proposals are due January 5, 2022.
November 2021 Announcements
- November 17 - The Board and DEEP issued an RFP for a DEI Consultant. Proposals are due January 5, 2022.
November 16 - The Board approved DEEP's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) RFP which will seek to hire a DEI Consultant, a recommended action item in DEEP's Equitable Energy Efficiency Proceeding. Over the summer, DEEP proposed that the DEI Consultant would be hired through the typical RFP process, and drafted an RFP that was shared with the Board and Companies for their feedback in August.
DEEP held its first of two technical meetings regarding the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan to the EEB. Slides and the recording have been posted.
- November 1 - The Companies filed with DEEP the final 2022-2024 C&LM Plan to the EEB, including the Final 2022 Program Savings Document (PSD) and Plan Cover Letter.
October 2021 Announcements
- October 28 - DEEP announced it will be holding Technical Meetings on November 16 and 18, and a Public Input Session on November 17, to inform its review of the 2022-2024 Conservation and Load Management Plan. DEEP is requesting that anyone wishing to make a public comment at the Technical Meetings fill out this registration form by November 6 at 5:00PM. Please refer to the meeting Notice for information on meeting schedules, agendas, and how to pre-register. You may contact Kate.Donatelli@ct.gov if you have questions about the Public Input Session or Technical Meetings.
- October 13 - The Board voted to approve the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan Budgets and Tables, as well as voted to modify the PMI structure for the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan. The Board voted to approve Plan Text changes. Reference materials and Plan documents can be found here.
September 2021 Announcements
- September 8 - The Board voted to approve the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan Text during its monthly meeting.
- September 3 - The Companies shared their Final 2022-2024 C&LM Plan Text.
August 2021 Announcements
- August 3 - The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) issued a Notice of Vacancies and Request for Applications for the Energy Efficiency Board. DEEP is seeking applications or nominations for (4) vacant seats on the Energy Efficiency Board (EEB). The vacant positions are for representatives from (1) a chamber of commerce, (2) a state-wide business association, (3) low-income customers, and (4) municipalities. Those interested should submit applications and nominations to DEEP.energybureau@ct.gov by 5:00 PM on August 27. Contact Kate Donatelli with any questions.
- August 1 - The CT EEB invites stakeholders to participate in virtual Public Input Sessions, August 11 at 12PM EST and August 18 at 5PM EST, that will inform development of the next Three-Year CL&M Plan. Participants should RSVP via email to the Executive Secretary. More details may be found here. The current 2019-2021 Plan, a preliminary draft of the 2022-2024 Plan text, and related information are available for review. An updated version of the 2022-2024 Plan will be posted by August 4.
July 2021 Announcements
- July 7 - The Governor signed PA 21-139, expanding Board membership to include a voting representative for municipalities and a voting representative for low-income customers. DEEP will conduct a formal process to identify candidates and will make appointments following the conclusion of that process.
May 2021 Announcements
- May 5 - The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) issued its first Draft Determination: Proposed Phase I Actions and Recommendations in the Equitable Energy Efficiency (E3) Proceeding. This document outlines both progress made to-date and the first steps to enhancing equity in Connecticut's energy efficiency programs. This Draft Determination will undergo one more round of public input before it is finalized by July 2021.
March 2021 Announcements
- March 10 - The Energy Efficiency Board is holding a Public Input Session to receive input on the development of the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan. The Board is also interested in receiving comments regarding COVID-19 program impacts. The Input Session will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 30, 12:30 - 1:15 pm. This session is via webinar only. Those wishing to provide comment are encouraged to pre-register with the Executive Secretary and provide materials no later than COB Tuesday, March 9. For more information, including webinar information, please see here.
March 2020 Announcements
- March 27 - The Energy Efficiency Board is holding two Public Input Sessions to receive input on the 2021 Update to the 2019-2021 C&LM Plan. The Board is also interested in receiving comments regarding COVID-19 program impacts. The Input Sessions are Wednesday, April 8, 1:00 - 2:30 pm and Wednesday, May 13, 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Both sessions are via webinar only. For more information, including webinar information, please see here.
May 2019 Announcements
- May 3 - The Energy Efficiency Board is holding its annual Public Input Session to receive input on the 2020 Update to the 2019-2021 C&LM Plan. The Input Session is Wednesday, May 8, 10:00 am, at 10 Franklin Square in New Britain (Hearing Room 2). For more information on the Input Session, please see here. Also, for those interested in participating in the Input Session remotely, here is that information: Phone: 571-317-3122 / Access Code: 566 636 141; Web conference link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/566636141.
March 2019 Announcements
- March 26 - Wallingford Electric District submitted its 2018 Annual Report to the Energy Efficiency Board for its review.
May 2017 Announcements
- May 10 - The Energy Efficiency Board issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Executive Secretary for the Energy Efficiency Board. Any questions should be submitted before 7:00 PM EST on June 2, 2017 to Deep.EnergyBureau@ct.gov, Potential respondents may submit an intent to bid prior to June 2, 2017 to receive updates or responses to questions. All proposals must be submitted before 7:00 PM EST on June 9, 2017, to Deep.EnergyBureau@ct.gov.
October 2016 Announcements
- October 31 - The Program Administrators filed their proposed 2017 Annual Update to the 2016-2018 C&LM Plan with DEEP. The CT Energy Efficiency Board has filed a letter of support for the 2017 Annual Update with DEEP.
June 2016 Announcements
- June 7 - The Energy Efficiency Board released a Request for Proposal for an Evaluation Administrator for the C&LM Program. Final proposals are due July 19, 2016 at 5:00 pm EST.
May 2016 Announcements
- May 18 - The Energy Efficiency Board released an invitation to receive input on the 2017 Update to the 2016-2018 C&LM Plan. A Public Input Session will be held June 8, 2016, 1:00 - 4:00 pm, at 10 Franklin Square in New Britain, CT.
December 2015 Announcements
- December 31 - The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released its final Approval with Conditions of the 2016-2018 C&LM Plan. An Appendix B accompanied the Approval.
November 2015 Announcements
- November 20 - The Energy Efficiency Board issued a revised Request for Proposal (RFP) for Technical Consultants to support the Board. The revised RFP extends the deadline for Intents to Bid to November 30, and the deadline for Final Proposals to December 11.
- November 13 - The Energy Efficiency Board issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) intending to enter into a multi-year contract with one or more evaluation contractors or evaluation contractor teams. The intended work to be performanced is providing third-party independent energy efficiency program evaluation services and related research with regard to residential programs. Intents to bid are due on November 30, and final proposals are due on December 11. For further information, contact Scott Dimestrosky, scottd@apexanalyticslls.com.
September 2015 Announcements
- September 1 - The Energy Efficiency Board issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) intending to enter into a multi-year contract with one or more evaluation contractors or evaluation contractor teams. The intended work to be performed is providing third-party independent energy efficiency program evaluation services and related research with regard to commercial & industiral programs. Intents to bid are due on Sept. 18, and final proposals are due Oct. 6. For further information, contact Lori Lewis, Lori.Lewis@AnEvaluation.com.
May 2015 Announcements
- May 31- The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final evaluation report: Energy Conscious Blueprint 2013-2014 Process Evaluation (C20) Final Report with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. A technical presentation will be scheduled. For more information, contact the Office of Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
February 2015 Announcements
- February 28 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final evaluation report: CT Consumer Electronics Potential Study (R84) with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. For more information, contact the Office of Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
January 2015 Announcements
- January 13 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final evaluation report: HES and HES-IE Impact Evaluation (R16) with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. A technical presentation will be scheduled. For more information, contact the Office of Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- January 5 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed two final evaluation reports today with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority: Additional Measures Review (R48) and Residential Lighting Interactive Effects (R67). Presentations for both reports will be scheduled. For more information, contact the Office of Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
December 2014 Announcements
- December 22 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final evaluation report: Small Business Energy Advantage Data Mining (C10) with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. No presentation will be given on this report. For more information, contact the Office of Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
November 2014 Announcements
- November 13 - There will be a technical presentation on the final Evaluation report: Central Air Conditioning Impact and Process Evaluation (R8). The presentation will be on December 12, 11:00 am - noon at 10 Franklin Square in New Britain, and also via webinar. More information can be found on the EEB calendar.
- November 13 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a 2nd review draft of the report: Residential Lighting Interactive Effects (R67). The deadline for comments is December 1. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- November 3 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released two review drafts: 1)Barriers to C&I Program Participation (C11); and 2) Energy Conscious Blueprint Process Evaluation (C20). The deadline for comments is November 17; however, the deadline might be extended to November 26. Please contact the Office of Executive Secretary to inquire about whether the deadline has been extended to November 26. Please send comments to the Office of Executive Secretary.
- November 1 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a review draft of the report: CT Consumer Electronics Potential Study - Literature Review (R84). The deadline for comments on the draft is Nov. 17. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
October 2014 Announcements
- October 20 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a review draft of the memo: HES Additional Measure Review (R48). The deadline for comments on the draft is Nov. 3. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- October 14 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final report: Central Air Conditioning Impact and Process Evaluation (R8) with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. A technical presentation to discuss the report's results will be scheduled. For more information, please contact the Office of the Executive Secretary: eeb@energizect.com.
September 2014 Announcements
- September 22 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee release a review draft of the report: CT Small Business Energy Advantage Data Mining Report (C10). The deadline for comments is October 22. Comments should be send to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- September 18 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a review draft of the report: Residential Lighting Interactive Effects (R67). The deadline for comments is October 2. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- September 12 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a 2nd review draft of the report: Central Air Conditioning Impact and Process Evaluation (R8). The deadline for comments is COB, September 26. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- September 11 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a review draft of the report: Single-Family Potential Study (R15). The deadline for comments is COB, October 14. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
August 2014 Announcements
- August 29 - Two technical presentations have been scehduled to discuss the findings of two final evaluation reports: Single-Family Weatherization Baseline Assessment (R5) and CT Ground Source Heat Pump Impact Evaluation and Market Assessment (R7) - see June announcements below. Both presentations will be delivered via webainr. The Weatherization Baseline presentation will be September 10, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm EST, and the Ground Source Heat Pump presentation will be September 17, 10:00 - 11:00 am EST. Please contact the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary for further details: eeb@energizect.com.
June 2014 Announcements
- June 13 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final report: CT Ground Source Heat Pump Impact Evaluation and Market Assessment (R7) with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. A technical presentation to discuss the report's results will be scheduled. For more information, please contact the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- June 10 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final report: Single-Family Weatherization Baseline Assessment (R5) with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. A technical presentation to discuss the report's results will be scheduled. For more information, please contact the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- June 9 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee release a review draft fo the report: Impact Evaluation: Home Energy Solutions and Home Energy Solutions - Income Eligible Programs (R16) Vol. 2. The deadline for comments is COB, Wednesday, July 9. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- June 9 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a review draft of the report: Central Air Conditioning Impact and Process Evaluation (R8). The deadline for comments is COB, Monday June 24. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- June 1 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final report: Impact Evaluation of the Connecticut Small Business Energy Advantage Program (C9) with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Publc Utilities Regulatory Authority. A technical presentation to discuss the report's results is scheduled for Tuesday, June 10, 10:30 am - noon, at DEEP, 79 Elm St. in Hartford (Ensign Room). For more information, please contact the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
May 2014 Announcements
- May 29 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation committee extended the dealine for comments to Monday, June 16th, COB for the draft report: Evaluation of the Year 2 Eversource Pilot Customer Behavior Program. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com. The previous deadline was May 30 (see announcement from May 16 below).
- May 27 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the final report: Northeast Residential Lighting Hours-of-Use Study (R3) (final report and appendices) with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. A webinar to discuss the report's results will be scheduled for some time in July. For more information, please contact the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- May 16 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a review draft of the report: Evaluation of the Year 2 Eversource Pilot Customer Behavior Program. The deadline for comments is 5 pm, Friday, May 30. Comments should be sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
April 2014 Announcements
- April 28 - The Energy Efficiency Board will be hosting a public input session to receive stakeholder input on the 2015 update of the 2013-2015 Conservation and Load Management Plan. The session will be held on Wednesday, May 14, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, in Room 1C of the Legislative Office Building, Hartford, CT. Verbal remarks can be up to seven minutes in length. Please send written comments, and/or a PowerPoint presentation, by May 12 to the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- April 23, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a 2nd Review Draft of the report: Connecticut Ground Source Heat Pump Impact Evaluation & Market Assessment, 4/11/14 for comment. The deadline for comments is 5pm, Wednesday, May 7. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- April 14, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the SBEA Low-Income and Limited English Small Business Study final report with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. A webinar to discuss the report's results is scheduled for May 12, 2014, 11:30 am - noon, DEEP, 10 Franklin Sq (Commissioner's Conference Room, 2nd Floor)., New Britain, CT. For more information, please contact the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- April 4, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed the Energy Opportunities Program Impact and Process Evaluation for Program Year 2011 final report with the DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. A technical meeting to discuss the report's results and recommendations is scheduled for May 13, 2014, 10:00 am - noon at DEEP, 79 Elm St. in Hartford. For more information, please contact the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com
- April 3, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a Review Draft of the HES Impact Evaluation - Volume 1 for comment. The deadline for comments is 5 pm, Thursday, April 17, 2014. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
March 2014 Announcements
- March 26, 2014 - The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection released a Letter of Approval with Conditions of the 2014 Plan Update filed by the utilities on February 28, 2014.
- March 19, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a Review Draft of the Small Business Energy Advantage impact evaluation for comment. The deadline for comments is 5 pm, Wednesday, April 2, 2014. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
February 2014 Announcements
- February 28, 2014 - With the approval of the Energy Efficiency Board the public utilities charged with administering the programs supported by the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund filed with the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection the required 2014 Update to the 2013-15 Electric and Natural Gas Conservation and Load Management Plan. The Update was concurrently filed with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority under docket 13-03-02. The participating companies include the Eversource, the United Illuminating Company, the Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation, the Southern Connecticut Gas Company and the Eversource.
- February 28, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board's mandated annual 2013 Program and Operations Report was sent to the Legislature's Energy and Technology Committee and released for public distribution.
- February 7, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a review draft of the Low-Income and Limited English Small Business Energy Advantage Study for comment. The deadline for comments is 5 pm, Monday, March 3, 2014. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
January 2014 Announcements
- January 23, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a review draft of the Regional Hours of Use (HOU) Study with Appendices for comment. The deadline for comments is 5 pm, Friday February 7, 2014. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
- January 13, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee decided to move the deadline for comments on the Energy Opportunties Program Process and Impact Evaluations to February 14, 2014. The deadline for comments for the Weatherization Baseline Study was set for January 31, 2014.
- January 8, 2014 - At the request of the EEB Marketing Committee Opinion Dynamics presented the findings from the follow-up baseline survey conducted as part of the Energize Connecticut joint marketing project. The survey examined motivators for energy efficiency and renewable energy investment and awareness of the Energize Connecticut brand. The presentation is available here. The report of the findings may be found here.
- January 3, 2014 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released a revised review draft of a Weatherization Baseline Study for comment. The Review Draft may be accessed here. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
December 2013 Announcements
- December 17, 2013 - The Energy Efficiency Board Evaluation Committee released two draft evaluation reports for comment. The first is an impact evaluation of the Energy Opportunities program. The second is an impact evaluation and market assessment of the Ground Source Heat Pump program, which is a joint offering of the Energy Efficiency Fund and the Clean Energy Finance Investment Authority (CEFIA). The Energy Opportunities draft report may be accessed here and the Ground Source Heat Pump draft report may be accessed here. The deadline for comments for both reports is 5:00 pm, January 15, 2014. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com
November 2013 Announcements
- November 25, 2013 - DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy issued a Notice regarding an upcoming Home Energy Solutions Innovation and Transformation Workshop on December 11, 2013 and an opportunity to provide written comments.
October 2013 Announcements
- October 31, 2013 - DEEP Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy released its Final Decision on 2013-2015 Conservation and Load Management Plan. The Decision with appendices is available on the DEEP/Energy website.
- October 9, 2013 - 2014-16 Evaluation Plan approved by Connecticut Energy Efficiency Board at regular monthly meeting. The Plan describes the framework and approaches the EEB Evaluation Committee will follow in fulfillment of its statutory and regulatory mandates and requirements. As appendices to the Plan, two Attachments were also approved, which comprise summaries of studies and assessments to be undertaken during the 2014-16 triennium and details of Connecticut Energy Efficiency Board participation in studies conducted by the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP).
September 2013 Announcements
- September 30, 2013 - The Energy Efficiency Board filed comments on DEEP's issued its Draft Decision on the 2013-2015 C&LM Plan. The comments may be found here
March 2013 Announcements
- March 19, 2013 - Large Commercial & Industrial Research: Participant Trend Analysis Draft Final Report released for comment. The deadline for comments is 5:00 PM EDT, April 2, 2013. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
February 2013 Announcements
- February 28, 2013 - 2012 Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund Annual Legislative Report released.
- February 5, 2013 - Draft Final Report on Year 1 of the Eversource Co. Home Energy Reports pilot program released for comment. The deadline for comments is 5:00 pm EST, February 19, 2013. Comments should be sent to the Office of the EEB Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.
January 2013 Announcements
- January 25, 2013 - Final report on Retrocommissioning, Operations and Maintenance and Business Sustainability Challenge Programs filed with DEEP and PURA. The deadline for requesting a technical meeting to discuss the results in the report is February 8, 2013. Requests for such meetings must be filed with PURA under docket no. 12-02-01. Supporting documentation is available from the Office of the Executive Secretary at eeb@energizect.com.